She can rearrange the anatomy of children to turn them into Nomes, manipulate shadows into taking on physical forms imbued with some degree of sentience, as displayed by her creating several child-like figures with porcelain faces similar to her own, and is implied to have the ability to feed on the souls of those trapped in the Maw. She can control matter with her mind, as displayed when she lifts Six off the ground merely by gazing at her and reaching a hand in her direction, and can hover opposed to walking, blowing out all nearby light sources and casting entire rooms into darkness in the process. Upon being confronted by Six, The Lady is able to vanish in a plume of pitch-black smoke and reappear anywhere of her choosing - regardless of distance or blockages, such as rooms whose entryways are locked. Unlike the other frightening inhabitants of the Maw, who appear to be monstrous humanoids driven by an unspeakable hunger, The Lady is implied to be an ancient being of dark magic a facet supported in that she is the only denizen aboard the resort ship who possesses supernatural influence, and there are several mysterious shrines that can be found throughout the Maw in her honor. She is intimidatingly poised and proper in disposition, carrying herself with a sinister purpose.
Little nightmares the lady skin#
In spite of nearly all of her body being covered, the skin on her neck seems to be a pale demitasse color. Her face is perpetually covered by a white porcelain mask that conceals her true appearance, through which two lifeless black eyes stare out. She is adorned in a long dark brown kimono, which seems to trail moderately behind her when she walks.

The Lady is an unnaturally tall, slender woman with raven-black hair that she keeps partially wrapped in a bun.